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The Wedding Of

Eleanor Jochelya Amora Pinto Holy Baptism & 1st Birthday Party

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The Wedding Of

Eleanor Jochelya Amora Pinto Holy Baptism & 1st Birthday Party


By the grace of God Almighty, I intend to invite you to my Holy Baptism & 1st Birthday Party. It is an honor and happiness for us as a family, if you are willing to attend and give prayers.

Eleanor Jochelya Amora Pinto Holy Baptism & 1st Birthday Party

Countdown To The Event



Eleanor Holy Baptism & 1st Birthday Party

12:00 WITA

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Singkil 1, Gunung Potong, Kompleks Bak Air

Open Maps

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not try to stop them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. (Matthew 19:14)

Titip Hadiah


I really hope that you will attend this event. Thank you for your  attention.

Eleanor Jochelya Amora Pinto Holy Baptism & 1st Birthday Party

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